Personal Well-Being

Our Journey Into Joy begins here, within you. Who you are on the inside shows up in your external world. It is imperative that you start this stage of your journey with an awareness of where you are stuck…an awareness of your old thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are ready to be released so that joy may flow into your moments.

Where are the places in your life that you can’t seem to change? What thoughts keep running in loops? Are you sabotaging yourself or judging others so that you feel better about yourself? Do you sit on the couch every moment you don’t have to be doing something? Perhaps you yell at your partner, your children or your friends. Ever wonder where the Divine is, the One who is supposed to help you, love you? This is all coming from within you…no one else is making you feel or do these things.

As you choose to slow down, to be in the quiet and focus your attention on those pesky voices in your head, you can identify these old ways of being that block the flow. It really doesn’t matter where these voices come from or what trauma created the emotional block. What does matter is that you become aware and then choose to shift those voices by rewiring your brain.

Of course, well-being is not just about emotions and thoughts. Your body also reflects what is going on inside your brain. The brain and the body, working together, will begin to reshape your experiences as contemplative movement practices offer opportunities for all of you to slow down and get quiet.

The spiritual side of well-being can be a source of the stuck places with old teachings from childhood keeping you captive in fear-based thoughts and behaviours. This is not always true and will be explored more here.

I know that change is possible. Science is offering evidence of how and why this is true. Even the most difficult stuck places let go gradually, over time. Give yourself the gift of quiet moments of reflection and awareness that can lead into life-changing practices that unlock the flow of joy.

Header Image courtesy of Pixabay/Engin_Akyurt