A Rewiring Meditation

I suggest that you read the information on this page before clicking on the meditation recording. The meditation will flow more easily after you have chosen the thought or behaviour you would like to rewire and the elevated or positive emotion you would like to connect with the new “I Am…statement”. Then return here and open to a practice that will create the new you.

The first step in rewiring your brain is to identify the old thought or behaviour pattern you would like to change. Make yourself comfortable and begin breathing to calm your mind and body. Allow your awareness to expand. As you observe your inner landscape, become aware of your self-talk and behaviours that are not working in your life. These often show up as judgments about yourself. Begin to recognize the old survival emotions that no longer serve you and thoughts that keep you trapped in the old. Fear, worry, doubt, shame and guilt are old emotions attached to staying safe. Feel this in your body. Allow yourself to experience the effect it has on your whole person, on who you know yourself to be.  This is what will be released and replaced with whatever you choose as the new you.

The next step is to choose a more positive thought or behaviour that is more consistent with who you would like to be. This can be anything that you have been aching to experience in your life. Confidence, a strong connection with the Divine, joy, compassion, love are all waiting for you to shift your focus. Choose one thing – simple and short – where it’s easy to recognize a change happening. Create a positive I am statement…I Am in joy; I Am confident; I Am enjoying daily prayer time; I Am worthy; I Am a good parent…   You are creating your future self.

And then, go slowly:  Say your I am… intention and then breathe.  Be aware of the old thoughts that come to the surface. These are the old emotions that that surround you and keep you stuck in the situations that you are releasing. Ignore them…just let them go as you shift your attention back to your new intention…I Am… and breathe.  Your mind will tell you “that’s enough, this is crazy, will never work, never has worked” …nudge these old beliefs aside and repeat “I Am…” again and breathe, relax into the new thought. Allow the new neural pathways to begin forming.

It is important to call up an elevated emotional state associated with what you are bringing into your life. This will anchor this new way of being in your body. With “I Am a good parent”, you might call up the love you have for your child, the pride in his/her accomplishments. If there is nothing available, remember a time in which you’ve felt what you are desiring and bring that into your moment.  Ask the Divine for assistance in feeling gratitude, joy, peace, excitement, love, creativity, compassion, contentment. If you don’t ‘feel’ different after these meditations, feel lighter and calmer, you are likely not yet bringing the higher emotional experience into your I Am intention. Let go of judgment, wondering if you are doing it right. Know that as you keep going, the connection will happen. Allow the new higher emotion to come into and merge with your I am statement gradually. This is rewiring your brain.

Start with 5 minutes twice a day, specifically focused on rewiring this old thought or pattern. Your mind will likely think it’s too long. Just shift your focus from that old negative thought back to your I Am intention.

Look for surprises…you can’t control the outcome or what the change will look like, so be ready for the unexpected; something in alignment with what you are creating. These new experiences bring back the fun, the awe and joy of being alive.

Be consistent and redundant…It’s taken years to program the old and will take some time and repetition to rewire or reprogram the new. You are likely to see glimpses of the ‘new’ in 4 – 6 weeks…what you are experiencing for the first weeks is still a reflection of the old programming. Stay with it, don’t abandon or change the program until the new is firmly in place.


Header Image courtesy of Pixabay/geralt