Emotional Entanglements

Ever wonder where those voices in your head come from? You know, the critical comments, the ones that make you doubt yourself or insist that there are reasons to hate yourself or others. Becoming aware of this Self Talk is where the process of transformation begins.

Also in this section, we look at the science behind the self talk and the stuck places and suggest a practice to rewire these old thought and behaviours, to transform your old habits. After learning about stuck places, it’s important that you give yourself permission to FEEL, to be angry, to be afraid and to cry the tears…to allow Emotional Release.

Many of you, like me, doubt that your life can change. There are now many places to explore some of the neuroscience that helps my human mind open to new potentials and the benefits of contemplative practices. New areas of psychology and neuroscience are available to offer specific insights into who we are. Internet searches and libraries offer information in simple to complex articles, videos and books that began to undo my old neural pathways of fear and doubt and allow new possibilities of joy.

No matter where and how you are stuck, there is hope. The science helped my mind to accept what the spiritual practices have been offering for millennia. Choosing to try something new for a set amount of time can give you experiences of change that will add to your knowing change can happen. We are not at the mercy of our emotions. We can rewire the old connections, the old neural pathways. We can create new pathways filled with new self talk, new behaviour patterns of joy, confidence, and so much more.

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