Our Journey Into Joy Overview

Hello and welcome! This site is intended as an incubator of joy for all who choose to join me on a journey into joy.  There are new possibilities of living in joy simply by letting go of the old ways of being and thinking as you allow new to replace them. However you choose to experience this website, let go of the old and allow joy to flow!

In Stuck Places, I suggest areas in your life that often get stuck in old patterns. This offers you an opportunity to feel through these life experiences to get a sense of where your blocks are…the ones that stop the flow of your joy.

Life experiences create memories that can run our lives as I describe in Emotional Entanglements. Neuroscience provides the ‘how we became’ who we are. This affords new ways of changing who we are into who we would like to be. We can create a new ‘me’ even as we begin to actively create our life moment by moment.

Contemplative Practices offer a path to open and expand into joy. Science now informs us why this is so. In Contemplative Practices, we slow down, bypass our conscious ego mind and release the old emotional entanglements. This creates a fertile field for change, for creating new ways of being, thinking and acting.

A New Way of Being looks at possibilities and potentials for all of humanity, beginning with you and your journey into joy. We can live in a world filled with magic and miracles or we can continue down our old paths of pain and fear. As we choose to live in joy, we change the world around us.

If there is a willingness in you, a desire for change, know that there is hope. My intention for OurJourneyIntoJoy.com is to offer you information, tools and support for your journey as we continue to let go and allow joy to flow in every moment and every experience.

 Header Image courtesy of Pixabay/MBatty