An Invitation

From my heart to yours:

In this time of quiet, when the world has slowed down and many of our usual distractions are no longer available, I invite you to join me on Our Journey Into Joy. I can’t think of a more perfect set up. Our ‘new normal’ provides the time, space and opportunities to reflect on what has been and choose to reset our intentions, individually and globally. We can begin to create a new way of being in a new world. Let’s use these moments wisely.

I offer you an opportunity to explore with me new possibilities, a new paradigm of who we are and what we are about here on earth. It is not a simple thing to let go of what we think we know. But in so doing, we allow new higher perspectives that can bring us into the peace and harmony we so desperately crave within ourselves and in our world today.

Our Journey Into Joy was originally created to encourage readers to explore ways to open into joy. Try different ways of going within, it might bring new life to those moments. For those who have a practice that serves you well, let’s journey together into new possibilities, create and share new awareness, new pathways that bring us joy.

2020 and Beyond speaks of my intention to look beyond what is and begin to create what we desire even as we seem to be engulfed in physical and emotional turmoil. The current pandemic will eventually die out. We can continue to shift ourselves and our planet into a more loving, compassionate, harmonious and peaceful state. And we can watch the fruit of our intentions manifest as shift begins to show up.

Please join me in this conversation. Each of you receiving this has enhanced my journey in some way and I am grateful. If you would like to receive future posts from me, you can subscribe on the sidebar here. You can add your own thoughts and enjoy the discussion as it unfolds. If you have already subscribed or are not interested, you need do nothing. However, I encourage all to find a way to participate in this conversation.

It is the moment of a perfect storm. Some call this ‘The Great Pause’ or ‘The Global Reset’. The old paradigms are being shaken or dismantled. What would you like to imagine and create, to bring into our new world now as we emerge again?

[avatar user=”admin” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file”] by Eloecea


Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

8 thoughts on “An Invitation

  1. Thanks, Eloecea! Lovely reflection, and I’d love to walk the path with you.❤️

    • Thank you, Laura, for reminding us that we are all on this journey in every moment. A pause in the Great Pause, moments of awareness. What a perfect time to stop and become aware of our journey…moments to choose whether we want to create a journey into joy, a new way of being, or to continue with our old ‘normal’.

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