Consider being a blob for a bit…

It’s that day…winter solstice…when the dark begins to leave and there’s more light in our days. If there has ever been a time when our planet needed more light, it is now. Would you consider being a blob for a bit if it brings more light for you and the planet?

I was wondering this morning what would happen if we all choose to shine light on our old ‘darkness’, fear-based thoughts, and allowed the divine to flow into that empty space. What would happen if we choose to become aware of those thoughts that keep us separate from our divine self and others? Old judgments like good/bad; right/wrong; us/them; stupid/smart; fat/skinny; rich/poor…and the list goes on.

In my experience, the mind goes into overdrive trying to explain why that’s a bad idea. How do I make decisions? How do I know if I’m good enough? How do I know who I am if I’m not all those things? How do I choose my friends?

Years ago, the Divine Mother  invited me to ‘let go of my sharp corners and hard edges’ and I began entertaining the possibility of letting go of whatever she was talking about.  I remember lying on my bed in LA after a particularly strong session of release when I was surprised by the thought “But, but, but…I’ll be a blob”. If I don’t have those identifiers or labels for myself and others, how do I think of myself? How do I be with others without ‘sizing them up’, without attaching labels? How do I know what’s good if there’s no label?

I must admit that this thought, this fear of being a blob lingered for a long time…years. My mind was so programmed to notice separation that it had great difficulty accepting this shift. It actually fought my desire to let go of the old way of thinking. My mind likes compartments. It prefers to know what’s what, where to put things, how to view people.

My mind does NOT like the unknown. I did not like thinking of myself as this unformed blob, let alone feeling the fears attached to that thought. I had to be someone, have an identity, some defining characteristics. I needed to be able to identify the situations and the people in my life, to give them labels, so I could be safe according to my mind’s perspective.

These labels are the essence of separation…they can lead to the Great Divide we are experiencing in our world today. Labels come in many shapes and sizes. Politics, religion, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, and the list goes on. It doesn’t have to be major things. Nice smile, weird clothes, neighbour, homeless are also labels that can separate us.

The defining factor in all of this is the fear or other emotional response that underlies our mind’s need to create labels. Labels are part of human nature and can be helpful. Discernment is an important tool. However, when fear attaches to our thought and sets up a judgment like good/bad, the Divide is established. Our minds love to find boxes with labels so it can feel safe. And then our minds love to collect evidence that we are right, strengthening the emotional entanglement and widening the Divide. We point fingers when the difference becomes so great that it triggers a fear reaction. ‘They’ do/think this and it scares me. Or, if I do/think this no one will like me.

What if we choose to become aware of these dark places, these thoughts that create separation and release the fear that holds them in place? We could ask the divine within each of us to shine light on the thoughts and actions that keep us separated from our divine self, from others.

What if we actually choose to pay attention to what is brought to our awareness? The mind is quite determined to keep everything status quo, to not rock the boat. That triggers fear. What if we choose to accept what the divine shows us, release any old emotional attachments, and become a ‘blob’. And then what???

And then we focus on the divine. We choose to bring in the light for our self and others. There is no separation here…there is only insight, higher perspectives from love, compassion and freedom. We allow the divine to shine light on our darkness so that we can embody the light. We focus on how we would like to be, how we would like to experience our moments, how we would like our world to be.

Awareness <–> Emotional Release <–> Insight/Wisdom <–> Integration

As I let go of those old fear-based attachments, as I allow a period of ‘blobness’, I  slowly come into more of my divine Self. I realize that there is no need to cling tightly to a label or point fingers. I am creator of my moments. I can envision from higher perspectives and fill my life with magic and miracles. As I do this, I begin to experience the world around me as my creation, a safe place to live and love because I am becoming love.

I smiled a few days ago as I remembered that period of my life. Thankfully, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like a blob. I’m reminded again of a lump of clay waiting to be formed into something new. It’s a gradual process…releasing the emotional attachments that hold the darkness and letting the light shine in and through us in new ways. I am forever grateful that I continue to choose to let go of my mind being in control and allow the divine to source my journey into joy.

Are you willing to be a blob for a bit…to become more love within and shine in your world?

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /]  by Eloecea



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Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

2 thoughts on “Consider being a blob for a bit…

  1. Hello my friend , sorry to say I have not been keeping up with your posts / writings as well as I might wish to , busy season at VST ( as you will recall ). This was ( IS ! ) exactly what my head & heart needed just now, Thank you so much

    papers & assignments , deadlines and self doubt. Seasonal self imposed stress, even as I know better , even as I smile at the irony of Charlie Brown Christmas , even as I see me being this guy who needs to go ‘ blob ‘ for a while. Thank you for this reminder

    yes it has been a crazy year , but really no crazier than many others long past and forgotten , whatever made us all stressed and anxious and , and , and in years now dimmed by fading memories. Thankfully , we keep the joy , the love , the small smiles and happy tears. Our children , our parent or grandparents , or even oursleves as a child . yes, that version especially .

    Again , thank you for this lovely few moments of reflection and perspective . My heart is able to embrace this , and my head will get there eventually . It is my soul that hears you and sees this as a solid set of suggestions, so great to read you .

    Thank you for keeping me in the loop in this format
    Merry Christmas


    • Steven, thanks for checking in! Isn’t this the perfect time to let go into being a blob? Let go of the labels, the worry, the busyness, everything that keeps us from really connecting with who we are as divine beings. I wish you and your family joy this holiday season and into 2021 as your mind catches up with your heart –

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