The first weekend in August I met some friends at ECETI Ranch. Located at the base of Mt. Adams in southern Washington state, ECETI Ranch has been around for over 35 years and is known as a UFO ‘hotspot’,

Photo Courtesy of Jeff Hollett
There, I learned how to differentiate between satellites, the space station, other planets, planes, and UFO’s (or Unknown Aerial Phenomena – UAP’s) with the naked eye. The ECETI website has hours of videos and stills if you are interested. James Gilliland, founder of ECETI, intends to increase public awareness of extraterrestrial presence, train ambassadors of peace and establish a Galactic Exchange Center where an exchange of wisdom and technologies can occur. I am deeply grateful for James (and others) who have led the way and held this space until the rest of humanity here on Earth was ready to take our place in Intergalactic relationships.
Unity Consciousness underlies all of what James and ECETI Ranch are about. From his perspective, Unity Consciousness refers to individual freedom, brother/sister love, prosperity for all, service to others and the presence of the Creator in all of creation. From my own experience and knowing of Unity Consciousness, this vibration is one of love, peace, joy, abundance, compassion, safety, gratitude, health, freedom, empathy and respect for and oneness with all of creation. The more specific aspects of James’ perspective would naturally flow from my understanding.
As you know, I believe we are in a massive evolutionary shift in consciousness, often called the ascension process. Within this shift, we are now experiencing what some refer to as the Great Pause. We are being shaken up to dislodge old lower frequency ways of being in our external and internal worlds. This unparalleled time on earth gives each of us the opportunity to go within…to choose between living from love or from fear. The more we choose love, the more the divine light shines in our lives. Our old fear-based thoughts, beliefs and actions are illuminated so that even more can be released. This is all right here in our faces right now. It is an opportunity to feel our way through every moment, to choose that which opens us to more love and lifts us into Unity Consciousness..
Intergalactic Connections is here to prepare humanity to become intergalactic citizens, grounded in Unity Consciousness. I intend to develop this company and its projects from the space of higher consciousness. I don’t know exactly what this will look like. Most of this is coming to me as I can receive it and in alignment with everything else happening on Earth. I do know that anyone associated with Intergalactic Connections must be willing to let go of old paradigms and create new ways of being together.
The first piece of this three-piece project is the Intergalactic Welcome Centre, located in the Greater Vancouver area. The Welcome Centre is a meeting place where individuals and groups are introduced to our Intergalactic neighbours and prepare for their arrival. It is a space (online for now) where anyone can come to learn about and

Artist: Jean Luc Bozzoli
eventually begin to interact with representatives from other intelligent civilizations. There will be information regarding topics such as Earth’s history with UFO’s, what we know about our star families, and the presence of UFO’s in sacred texts. Conferences and workshops will be available to expand visitors’ awareness and appreciation of our Intergalactic neighbours.
The Intergalactic Academy for Peace and Harmony is the second piece. The Academy is grounded in the wisdom of Unity Consciousness and informed by psychology, spirituality, and science as a way of understanding and being with the Other. The programs at this hub of learning are balanced with information and experience. Communication skills are an important aspect of the programs as students prepare to engage with Others from off world. More in-depth information from and about our Intergalactic neighbours will add content to the foundation of Unity Consciousness. Graduates might choose to do further research, teach in other settings, or serve as diplomatic representatives to extraterrestrials here or off world.
The last piece of the Intergalactic Connections project is The Dome: An Intergalactic Space Port. The Dome will receive Intergalactic space vessels and serve as a home base for their crews. It will provide space for small- and large-scale interactions for diplomacy as Earth begins to establish her presence in the Intergalactic community. Laboratory space is necessary for collaborative scientific research to enhance life here on Earth. Room for maintenance and other necessities for those space vessels that use the port are also part of The Dome project.
I was contacted telepathically by the Andromedan Council in October and joined their council meeting by remote viewing. Their representative told me they were to be my primary liaison to the Galactic Federation of Light for these projects. Last week, the Arcturians came to me to validate the Andromedans’ message and offer their support as well. These star beings will not arrive in a public manner until our world is a safe place for them to be with us. They are from higher levels of consciousness, inviting us to join with them, to take our place in Intergalactic affairs. They know they are strong as individual Councils, and they are stronger together as members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
I am honoured and humbled, knowing I came for this purpose. When I think about this, it feels crazy and impossible. But the more I’m in my highest self, I am excited, filled with awe and wonder, gratitude and joy. Thank you for following my story, learning about my new playground. I wanted to share this with you – to remind us that good things are coming even as it looks like our world is falling apart. It’s so important to keep our focus on new possibilities that lift us up.
I am here to build for our future. I know that we are all in this together. Each of us have our own way of creating peace and harmony in our life, of building for our future – within you, at home, at work or school. What does that look like? What is your story?
[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar] by Eloecea
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