Feeling Crazy These Days?

We’ve all been there, feeling crazy at times, like you’re losing your mind. We’re living in a world where we have more information coming in than ever before. Our human ego mind is desperately trying to figure out what’s real, what’s true, what’s best. In 2020, our experience has been compounded by the appearance of COVID-19. It’s a challenge to findImage courtesy of Pixabay - the digital artist balance in a world of competing ideologies. Everyone seems to be have really good reasons (and scientific facts) to support the way they think and act.

Psychology suggests that humans have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and behaviour in harmony and to avoid disharmony, When disharmony, or cognitive dissonance, is present, we experience stress. Our ego mind has options when a contradictory or different piece of information comes up against what we hold as true. We can ignore the new information that is creating the dissonance. We can denigrate those who choose to believe it. This kind of response will strengthen our previous belief. Or we can open to the new, feel our way through the emotions that come up, and make a choice from a higher, divine perspective.

What if the old beliefs keep us trapped in patterns of thought and action that no longer work for us or for humanity? What if it is necessary to break down and break through these old ways of being human in order to create a new world of equality, compassion, love, respect and peace?

The beliefs that we have now are just thoughts with an emotional charge. The older and more revered the belief is, the stronger the emotional attachment. You feel even crazier, out of control, when they are challenged. The more we cling to or push away from a belief the stronger the belief becomes. This is how our mind builds our ego self.

It is not just simpler to follow what our mind already thinks is real, it has been our way of survival. We have been taught to accept guidance and instruction from those we hold as leaders in our lives. Too often, we give authority figures from our religious, political, scientific, educational, familial and other traditional belief systems the power to tell us what is true, what is real and what is not. If have learned that if we follow our leaders, we experience a sense of belonging and we feel safe.

It is not easy to let go of the past, to try something new. And yet, most of us have done exactly that in many areas of our lives. We have accepted and welcomed new science, new theologies, new ways of being in relationship as a family or member of a community. Many have found freedom and peace, redefining ourselves in a different way.

What if, just as the world around us seems to be falling apart, we must allow the same process within us? What if the experience of being crazy is integral to letting go of the ego mind as our primary operating system? As we do, our heart, our divine knowing can take its rightful place. In order to make a choice from our heart, to find divine wisdom in the chaos, we must allow the emotions to rise up. Once these are released we can find our balance again as we follow our heart’s knowing, our wisdom. Wisdom, a thought without emotional charge, is available to all of us in every moment.

Wisdom is not information. It is knowing what to do with the information that comes to us. When our human mind gets involved, trying to figure things out or to find the truth, the process is mired in past experiences which are simply emotionally charged memories. This is the source of the dissonance, the confusion, feeling crazy: old emotions are involved, usually fear-based. Wisdom allows for discernment, choosing freely what you know to be loving, kind, compassionate, peaceful.

An evolution of human consciousness is beckoning to us, inviting each of us to let go of the old and allow new, higher perspectives to come through. This is the choice we have as we experience the chaos and confusion in the external world and within ourselves. Do we want to keep living in the black and white world of right/wrong, good/bad, us/them? Is it even possible to create a world of differences without blame or separation?

Letting go of the polarity by releasing the emotional entanglements leads to balance. We can then feel our way through the information and choices presented to us and realize a higher perspective. This is the the way of Unity Consciousness.

As humans, we appreciate and even need duality or contrast, just not the extremes we are experiencing today. Contrast allows for discernment, finding our preferences or what works for us. When judgments (fear-based thoughts) are in the mix, as is prevalent these days, we are operating from old emotions. Knee-jerk reactions are the norm: blaming, pushing against the Other, and fighting for the old way of being.

As creators of our own reality, we can choose to loosen the hold of these old beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. New possibilities from higher perspectives are available when we begin to let go of the old and allow new. Divine awareness flows into and through us. We can stop the blame-games, the confusion and violence we see today by becoming aware of our own thoughts, our self talk. From this awareness of what no longer serves us, we can gain insight as we release the fear-based attachments to that thought. As we put these insights into practice, we integrate a new, higher way of being within our human ego mind and into our attitudes and behaviours.

Let me say this again: We have all made these shifts in some areas already! We have changed positions on a topic or accepted some person that, in the past, we would have judged. Perhaps it was something about you that you finally allowed as your truth. Isn’t it time that we remember we are divine beings here in human form? That we can expand this willingness to allow everyone to have their stories, their truth? It doesn’t need to change who we are or how we live our life – but it can change how we are with the Other, those who are different.

We truly can create a world of peace and harmony, of love, compassion, respect and joy. It begins within each of us. Are you willing to pay attention to those moments you blame or make others wrong for having different beliefs? What about those who hold beliefs that seem to put you in unsafe situations? Or those whose reality challenges yours? We have a choice: We can create our reality from old fear-based thinking and behaviours. Or we can let go and allow our divine self to show us ways to find balance within. Then we can model this balance in the world around us.

Please, please, pay attention to this – remember Einstein:  “We can’t solve problems if we use the same kind of thinking that created them.” Are you willing to do what is necessary to create a world you would like to live in, a world in balance? Become aware, Let go of the old, Allow the new, Become the new. I know, it sounds simple, but it takes intention and attention. It can be life- and world-changing…if you take one step and then another and then another. You will find, moment by moment, more peace, more balance, more joy in yourself and your world.

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar] by Eloecea




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My Intergalactic Awakening

From a mass consciousness perspective, I would love to say that I have always been aware of and interested in aliens and spaceships. I watched some of the Star Trek TV shows but was not a Trekkie. The Star Wars movies did not capture my attention, nor did I watch the Matrix series. I was aware of, but not focused on or involved with, a growing community of believers in extraterrestrial life.

From a spiritual or consciousness perspective, this aspect of my journey has brought a few surprises along the way. Perhaps 15 years ago, I had a psychic reading with a channel I didn’t know personally. She had a message from the Arcturians. (The Arcturians are highly advanced, very loving and peaceful beings from Arcturus, a star in the Boötes Constellation.) I was being prepared to be a diplomat to the nations. And that was all she would say. I was intrigued and frustrated by the simplicity of the message without any elaboration and I let it go.

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A few years later, during a past life regression session, I saw what looked to be an astronaut floating among the stars. This was one of my soul aspects from another (future, in linear time) lifetime who was called the Commander. He was captain of a star ship from Sirius as well as the commander of their star fleet. He was here in this life stream to rectify a mistake he felt he had made during that time.

There have been wars between star civilizations, yes, just like we have here on Earth between nations. During one battle, his crew gave him information that indicated a specific star ship was an enemy combatant. He gave the order to have it destroyed. Later, he learned it was a friendly vessel and that one of his crew had betrayed him. He ended that life in shame and disgrace with guilt for taking innocent lives. Again, this was interesting but had no connection to what my life was about at that time.

Shortly after this, I retired from practising psychology and moved from Los Angeles to Ashland, OR, to await what was next. I knew there was more to do in my life. I imagined my path to be somehow connected to assisting others as it had been most of my life. From my perspective, Earth is ascending to the fifth dimension (a higher level of vibration or consciousness also called Unity or Christ or Buddha consciousness). I knew this would challenge humanity as it had challenged me, but I had no idea it would look like this!

While in Ashland, I was approached telepathically by beings who stated they were from the Commander’s star ship. They were here to welcome me aboard their star ship. I was

Image courtesy of Pixabay JCK5D

assured they were here to assist me (via the Commander soul aspect) in any way they could. They invited me to visit them on the ship through remote viewing which I did with no little trepidation.

The first time I allowed this, I was in an area with hallways. That was more than enough for me. At a later time, during the few moments I was aboard and moved about, everything looked rather like what I had seen in the various TV shows and movies. There was a command centre filled with lighted panels and beings. I was led through hallways to a conference room with a normal-looking table and chairs. That was enough for me at that time. I again let it go, not ready to jump in with both feet.

Through meditation, I also learned that I would be moving to Vancouver, BC. I was told the vibration of that area, as a City of Light, would better match who I was becoming and what I was about. I arrived in Vancouver, BC, in 2017 on a study permit. This was a rather surprising, yet perfect path given the limited immigration possibilities available to me. I graduated with an MA in Indigenous and InterReligious Studies in 2019 and began serving as Interfaith Consultant with a local interfaith community.

In early 2020, I was guided to explore why so many people really liked President Trump. It still feels like I entered another reality, so different is the world of what is often called conspiracy theories. I have found some truth, the heart of Unity Consciousness, in every belief system. I found that to be the case here as well. There were just as many different subgroups in this reality as there are in any of the religious traditions. I do not automatically accept all the different religious beliefs as my own. Why would this be any different? I felt my way through the new information, accepting what resonated with me and letting go of the rest without judgment.

Amid this different reality I found the UFO and ET community online. It’s not surprising that UFO and ET stories are considered part of the conspiracy theory paradigm. Mainstream media has generally portrayed beings from outer space in ways that engender fear and separation in mass consciousness. Yet I feel and know, through all of my beingness, that there are beneficent beings from intelligent civilizations, our star families, throughout the omniverse here with us now. They are waiting for the time when Earth is ready to hear about them (Full Disclosure) and receive them (First Contact) publicly.

More about how this will unfold through Intergalactic Connections in my next post.

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar]  by Eloecea

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