Gratitude in the Midst of Chaos

Here we are, ready to say good bye to another year. 2020 has been…well, you fill in the blank. I invite each of you to take a few moments to join me now as we look back over the last year. Become aware of the blessings, gifts and new possibilities that have emerged this year for you and let gratitude flow.

For those still focused on the chaos and confusion, this can be challenging. Who wants to be thankful for that? Perhaps you can let go of that and shift your focus, if only for a few moments. Can you recognize, honour and be grateful for all the ways in which you’ve managed to survive if not thrive? Each of us has changed, either by choice or having choice forced upon us.

A few days ago I was playing with the difference between comfortable and familiar. Familiar refers to the times when your mind recognizes certain situations or people. You’ve been with them or in that situation before.

Comfortable means you can relax into the moment, the relationship, and enjoy it…feel some measure of security, balance and peace.

Neither of these words apply to 2020 in any measure. It was a time of change. The familiar was no longer and there were precious few places to be comfortable in all the unknown. Given the situation, we looked for ways to find our balance again. We floundered, we adapted to what the world brought to us and we emerged, time and time again. And we discovered we are resilient. We survived!

I prefer to see 2020 as the divine moving in and through us to open us to new possibilities and potentials. As we shift our focus from the information and ensuing rules that forced us to let go of the familiar and comfortable, we begin to recognize the opportunities for new choices in our life. What feels better, what brings more joy? What allows you to express yourself in a way that was not available before?

The coming of a new year is considered a time of making resolutions. We decide what changes to make in our lives and then promise ourselves to make it happen. This is a mind thing and so very often leads to frustration, disappointment and self-judgment. It is challenging to let go of familiar and comfortable people and situations because of the strong emotional attachments involved.

Now is the time to begin imagining a new way of being in the world…for yourself, your family, at work, in social situations. The divine has given us these moments of quiet to become aware of who we are. We can release the old emotions that come up when we consider making a change, finding new insights and integrating the new into our life. We can choose to change the channel we are watching, to shift our focus from what was to what is now possible. Seeds of freedom and expansion have been planted. Quiet moments of reflection unveil new ways of being in relationship, of creating income, new ways of living in love, joy, peace and harmony with all of creation. Let your love flow with the smallest of dreams… The world around us will reflect the changes happening within.

Let’s use this time of upheaval to create our new lives, our new world. Imagine being in joy, having fun, loving those around you, being in gratitude for all that is happening,  Choose to live and love fully in every moment. The ‘new normal’ can be heaven on earth, moment by moment!

[avatar size=”thumbnail”]Quan Yin – goddess of mercy and compassion[/avatar]  by Eloecea



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Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope



Say what? Yes, generalizability. I thought I’d talk to your mind first because that seems to be where we spend most of our time. In psychology, generalizability is a measure of how useful the results of a study are for a broader group of people or situations. Also called external validity, it is an important aspect of research: If the 25 subjects in my study can find a way of being together in harmony, can I say that all people can find a way of being together in harmony?

Basically, the researcher must control as many variables as possible in order to trust the results of his/her study and generalize to larger groups. I get that…I’ve been there, done that. But science is science…scientists tend to think their way through to an answer they can trust.

However, we can also feel our way through to what we know as our truth, imagining new possibilities along the way. We can trust our inner wisdom, our knowing that the divine, spirit, consciousness moves in and through every situation and actually has more to say about the outcome than trying to control variables in research.

I’m talking about what we are seeing in the world around us: Law enforcement kneeling with protesters, government officials around the world looking at change in law enforcement, people from all walks of life, all races, ages, genders, faith traditions, cultures, etc.coming together to say “No more”!

My question is this: Are you willing to generalize, to say that this response to unjust actions can proliferate throughout our world today without trying to control anything or anyone but yourself? I believe the response to these specific unjust actions can generalize to other areas in which justice is still lacking. But what is our role in this potential tsunami of change in our backyards and on our planet?

We can begin by choosing to focus on new possibilities: They are showing up all around us right now in every moment. We can let go of trying to control all the variables, let go of the hopeless/helpless beliefs and other emotional attachments we have to the old paradigm. We can protest old patterns from this place of new possibilities and joy rather than pushing against the old and a distrust of what might replace it.

We know the divine is here, now, inviting each of us to be part of this tsunami of change. We can choose to focus on the miracles that are showing up. We can  imagine…we can generalize these new possibilities into many other areas of our lives and our world that are waiting to shift. We are creators of our moments through our choices. We can choose to be in a world of love, compassion, joy, peace and harmony.

There are many ways of speaking our truth, of advocating for change. No matter what avenue we choose, when we come from our connection with the divine, sourced in the love and compassion of spirit, grateful that change is happening, miracles become commonplace.

I know that who I am within is reflected in the world around me. Are you willing to allow the divine to transform you as a path to transforming our world? Are you ready to let go into a tsunami of love, a divine wave that is ready to change our world?

[avatar user=”admin” size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion[/avatar]



by Eloecea

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                Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope

An Invitation

From my heart to yours:

In this time of quiet, when the world has slowed down and many of our usual distractions are no longer available, I invite you to join me on Our Journey Into Joy. I can’t think of a more perfect set up. Our ‘new normal’ provides the time, space and opportunities to reflect on what has been and choose to reset our intentions, individually and globally. We can begin to create a new way of being in a new world. Let’s use these moments wisely.

I offer you an opportunity to explore with me new possibilities, a new paradigm of who we are and what we are about here on earth. It is not a simple thing to let go of what we think we know. But in so doing, we allow new higher perspectives that can bring us into the peace and harmony we so desperately crave within ourselves and in our world today.

Our Journey Into Joy was originally created to encourage readers to explore ways to open into joy. Try different ways of going within, it might bring new life to those moments. For those who have a practice that serves you well, let’s journey together into new possibilities, create and share new awareness, new pathways that bring us joy.

2020 and Beyond speaks of my intention to look beyond what is and begin to create what we desire even as we seem to be engulfed in physical and emotional turmoil. The current pandemic will eventually die out. We can continue to shift ourselves and our planet into a more loving, compassionate, harmonious and peaceful state. And we can watch the fruit of our intentions manifest as shift begins to show up.

Please join me in this conversation. Each of you receiving this has enhanced my journey in some way and I am grateful. If you would like to receive future posts from me, you can subscribe on the sidebar here. You can add your own thoughts and enjoy the discussion as it unfolds. If you have already subscribed or are not interested, you need do nothing. However, I encourage all to find a way to participate in this conversation.

It is the moment of a perfect storm. Some call this ‘The Great Pause’ or ‘The Global Reset’. The old paradigms are being shaken or dismantled. What would you like to imagine and create, to bring into our new world now as we emerge again?

[avatar user=”admin” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file”] by Eloecea


Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope