My Intergalactic Awakening

From a mass consciousness perspective, I would love to say that I have always been aware of and interested in aliens and spaceships. I watched some of the Star Trek TV shows but was not a Trekkie. The Star Wars movies did not capture my attention, nor did I watch the Matrix series. I was aware of, but not focused on or involved with, a growing community of believers in extraterrestrial life.

From a spiritual or consciousness perspective, this aspect of my journey has brought a few surprises along the way. Perhaps 15 years ago, I had a psychic reading with a channel I didn’t know personally. She had a message from the Arcturians. (The Arcturians are highly advanced, very loving and peaceful beings from Arcturus, a star in the Boötes Constellation.) I was being prepared to be a diplomat to the nations. And that was all she would say. I was intrigued and frustrated by the simplicity of the message without any elaboration and I let it go.

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A few years later, during a past life regression session, I saw what looked to be an astronaut floating among the stars. This was one of my soul aspects from another (future, in linear time) lifetime who was called the Commander. He was captain of a star ship from Sirius as well as the commander of their star fleet. He was here in this life stream to rectify a mistake he felt he had made during that time.

There have been wars between star civilizations, yes, just like we have here on Earth between nations. During one battle, his crew gave him information that indicated a specific star ship was an enemy combatant. He gave the order to have it destroyed. Later, he learned it was a friendly vessel and that one of his crew had betrayed him. He ended that life in shame and disgrace with guilt for taking innocent lives. Again, this was interesting but had no connection to what my life was about at that time.

Shortly after this, I retired from practising psychology and moved from Los Angeles to Ashland, OR, to await what was next. I knew there was more to do in my life. I imagined my path to be somehow connected to assisting others as it had been most of my life. From my perspective, Earth is ascending to the fifth dimension (a higher level of vibration or consciousness also called Unity or Christ or Buddha consciousness). I knew this would challenge humanity as it had challenged me, but I had no idea it would look like this!

While in Ashland, I was approached telepathically by beings who stated they were from the Commander’s star ship. They were here to welcome me aboard their star ship. I was

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assured they were here to assist me (via the Commander soul aspect) in any way they could. They invited me to visit them on the ship through remote viewing which I did with no little trepidation.

The first time I allowed this, I was in an area with hallways. That was more than enough for me. At a later time, during the few moments I was aboard and moved about, everything looked rather like what I had seen in the various TV shows and movies. There was a command centre filled with lighted panels and beings. I was led through hallways to a conference room with a normal-looking table and chairs. That was enough for me at that time. I again let it go, not ready to jump in with both feet.

Through meditation, I also learned that I would be moving to Vancouver, BC. I was told the vibration of that area, as a City of Light, would better match who I was becoming and what I was about. I arrived in Vancouver, BC, in 2017 on a study permit. This was a rather surprising, yet perfect path given the limited immigration possibilities available to me. I graduated with an MA in Indigenous and InterReligious Studies in 2019 and began serving as Interfaith Consultant with a local interfaith community.

In early 2020, I was guided to explore why so many people really liked President Trump. It still feels like I entered another reality, so different is the world of what is often called conspiracy theories. I have found some truth, the heart of Unity Consciousness, in every belief system. I found that to be the case here as well. There were just as many different subgroups in this reality as there are in any of the religious traditions. I do not automatically accept all the different religious beliefs as my own. Why would this be any different? I felt my way through the new information, accepting what resonated with me and letting go of the rest without judgment.

Amid this different reality I found the UFO and ET community online. It’s not surprising that UFO and ET stories are considered part of the conspiracy theory paradigm. Mainstream media has generally portrayed beings from outer space in ways that engender fear and separation in mass consciousness. Yet I feel and know, through all of my beingness, that there are beneficent beings from intelligent civilizations, our star families, throughout the omniverse here with us now. They are waiting for the time when Earth is ready to hear about them (Full Disclosure) and receive them (First Contact) publicly.

More about how this will unfold through Intergalactic Connections in my next post.

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar]  by Eloecea

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Say what? Yes, generalizability. I thought I’d talk to your mind first because that seems to be where we spend most of our time. In psychology, generalizability is a measure of how useful the results of a study are for a broader group of people or situations. Also called external validity, it is an important aspect of research: If the 25 subjects in my study can find a way of being together in harmony, can I say that all people can find a way of being together in harmony?

Basically, the researcher must control as many variables as possible in order to trust the results of his/her study and generalize to larger groups. I get that…I’ve been there, done that. But science is science…scientists tend to think their way through to an answer they can trust.

However, we can also feel our way through to what we know as our truth, imagining new possibilities along the way. We can trust our inner wisdom, our knowing that the divine, spirit, consciousness moves in and through every situation and actually has more to say about the outcome than trying to control variables in research.

I’m talking about what we are seeing in the world around us: Law enforcement kneeling with protesters, government officials around the world looking at change in law enforcement, people from all walks of life, all races, ages, genders, faith traditions, cultures, etc.coming together to say “No more”!

My question is this: Are you willing to generalize, to say that this response to unjust actions can proliferate throughout our world today without trying to control anything or anyone but yourself? I believe the response to these specific unjust actions can generalize to other areas in which justice is still lacking. But what is our role in this potential tsunami of change in our backyards and on our planet?

We can begin by choosing to focus on new possibilities: They are showing up all around us right now in every moment. We can let go of trying to control all the variables, let go of the hopeless/helpless beliefs and other emotional attachments we have to the old paradigm. We can protest old patterns from this place of new possibilities and joy rather than pushing against the old and a distrust of what might replace it.

We know the divine is here, now, inviting each of us to be part of this tsunami of change. We can choose to focus on the miracles that are showing up. We can  imagine…we can generalize these new possibilities into many other areas of our lives and our world that are waiting to shift. We are creators of our moments through our choices. We can choose to be in a world of love, compassion, joy, peace and harmony.

There are many ways of speaking our truth, of advocating for change. No matter what avenue we choose, when we come from our connection with the divine, sourced in the love and compassion of spirit, grateful that change is happening, miracles become commonplace.

I know that who I am within is reflected in the world around me. Are you willing to allow the divine to transform you as a path to transforming our world? Are you ready to let go into a tsunami of love, a divine wave that is ready to change our world?

[avatar user=”admin” size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion[/avatar]



by Eloecea

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Ascension: Then and Now (Part Two)

That was then, and this is now…

For me, today, ascension is all about home. Some call it waking up or becoming conscious. Some refer to Unity or Christ Consciousness as a higher perspective, a way of bringing heaven to or being heaven here on earth. This is my path, my passion; it is simple and it’s an inside job…it begins with who I am:

     1. Waking Up

Most of my beliefs, thoughts, behaviours are unconscious until I become aware of what my ego mind is saying, or my body is doing. We all know about self-talk, that murmuring (or sometimes shouting) inside our heads that never seems to stop. These words and the accompanying emotion is the underlying truth of who I am. When I am quiet, I might hear critical, judgmental, or harsh words…or I might hear gentle, loving and supportive words. We learned this, of course, which means we can unlearn in and shift into another way of being. But it starts with a choice…a choice to become aware and a desire to change. It starts with waking up.

     2. Letting Go

Once I am aware of a thought, belief or behaviour that doesn’t reflect who I want to be, there are many tools available to begin to shift from the old and open to the new. You can find some of these here. We all know that change is hard – dislodging old patterns brings up old emotions associated with what was. Emotions become entangled energetically with our thoughts and act like glue which hardens over time. Letting go refers to releasing the old emotions to create room for new experiences, new thoughts and behaviours. Much of this part of ascension consists of grieving what is lost even as we shift to what we desire. So we can expect cycles of shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing and acceptance or letting go.

     3. Refocusing and Allowing the Divine

The ego mind doesn’t want to let go because it loses the control it had. It has no idea what comes next because it only knows the past. The unknown can be frightening. This is where our faith comes in again. In Part One, we’ve noted that most faith traditions tell of a higher way of being, offer guidance on thoughts and behaviours that are based in love rather than fear.

This is where we place our focus – on the most loving, compassionate and peaceful thoughts and behaviours we desire to have. In the Christian tradition this might be called becoming more Christ-like. We imagine what it will look like, how it will feel. We bring the full experience of what we desire into our conscious awareness, into our reality. And then we let go, knowing the Divine, the Universe will assist us in this transformation, in this ascension step, as we continue to consciously create a new way of being.

Ascension is possible today

You can see and feel the possibilities…You can begin to speak encouragement and love to yourself, to choose behaviours that are in harmony with who you choose to be. You can also hear and feel the push back from the old patterns. ‘This will never work’, etc. Just let that be and continue to let go, refocus and allow the Divine to do its work.

Who you are within is reflected in your external world. It’s not somebody or some situation out there that’s making you do or think or say anything, it’s within you – it’s your choice. The more we accept this and choose to shift our perspectives, the more miracles we begin to see around us until miracles become common place. This is living from a higher perspective. This is living in Unity or the Christ Consciousness.

What Might Ascension Look Like Today?

For me, I see change happening in me and my life that I never thought possible. Not in the areas my mind thinks it should change (which are many), but in who I am within as it’s reflected back to me in my external reality. This is the evidence, the proof for my ego mind that this works. I am happier, more fulfilled, more at peace with myself and the world than ever before. I feel as though my life is just beginning…a new life grounded in knowing all is well because nothing is as it seems while everything is as it should be. My ego mind doesn’t have to figure anything out because the Divine within me knows and I am choosing to allow the Divine, my SoulSelf, to be my new primary operating system.

It’s an exciting adventure, this path of ascension…one that my ego mind could not have predicted because it only knows the past and that is rooted in survival. But the Divine, Pure Consciousness holds new possibilities and potentials that come to each of us on our own path in perfect timing.

There’s a wealth of information available to assist us on our ascension journey – from our own faith tradition as well as that of others, from psychology and more and more from science as it explores the realm of consciousness. My search for ‘more’ spiritually has shifted from intellectual understanding in my earlier years to life experiences of the divine, moments of feeling that love and compassion and hope. There’s a balance, I know. I invite you to allow this balance to come to you today.

Your Reflection on Ascension Today

So far, this was a lot of words, a lot of thinking. Please take a few moments to feel into all that’s been written and all that’s come up for you. Relax into your body wherever you are. Breathe deeply a few times, letting your mind, your heart and your body open and expand. Then allow yourself to reflect for a few moments on what ascension means to you today. Let your mind go loose and allow the Divine to show you new possibilities…

I would love to hear from you – what came up for you? Let’s have a discussion in the comment section below.

Quan Yin, goddess of compassion


by Eloecea





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An Invitation

From my heart to yours:

In this time of quiet, when the world has slowed down and many of our usual distractions are no longer available, I invite you to join me on Our Journey Into Joy. I can’t think of a more perfect set up. Our ‘new normal’ provides the time, space and opportunities to reflect on what has been and choose to reset our intentions, individually and globally. We can begin to create a new way of being in a new world. Let’s use these moments wisely.

I offer you an opportunity to explore with me new possibilities, a new paradigm of who we are and what we are about here on earth. It is not a simple thing to let go of what we think we know. But in so doing, we allow new higher perspectives that can bring us into the peace and harmony we so desperately crave within ourselves and in our world today.

Our Journey Into Joy was originally created to encourage readers to explore ways to open into joy. Try different ways of going within, it might bring new life to those moments. For those who have a practice that serves you well, let’s journey together into new possibilities, create and share new awareness, new pathways that bring us joy.

2020 and Beyond speaks of my intention to look beyond what is and begin to create what we desire even as we seem to be engulfed in physical and emotional turmoil. The current pandemic will eventually die out. We can continue to shift ourselves and our planet into a more loving, compassionate, harmonious and peaceful state. And we can watch the fruit of our intentions manifest as shift begins to show up.

Please join me in this conversation. Each of you receiving this has enhanced my journey in some way and I am grateful. If you would like to receive future posts from me, you can subscribe on the sidebar here. You can add your own thoughts and enjoy the discussion as it unfolds. If you have already subscribed or are not interested, you need do nothing. However, I encourage all to find a way to participate in this conversation.

It is the moment of a perfect storm. Some call this ‘The Great Pause’ or ‘The Global Reset’. The old paradigms are being shaken or dismantled. What would you like to imagine and create, to bring into our new world now as we emerge again?

[avatar user=”admin” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” link=”file”] by Eloecea


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A Path of Transformation

As a guide to this website, a rather simple path of change may help bring the means of transformation into focus:

Awareness —> Emotional Release —> Insight —> Integration

Contemplative Practices provide a container for the process of transformation. They invite you into the quiet and offer ways to calm the ego mind. Practices present the opportunity to experience awareness and insight, to release old emotions and allow for integration of the new you.

Stuck Places invites you into self-awareness. When you find yourself in a situation you don’t like, tempted to blame someone or something else, choose to look within. When thoughts come up or you do something that brings shame, look within. Awareness is a necessary first step that means letting go of old patterns of looking outside for either blame or rescue.

Emotional Entanglements speaks to your ego mind from a scientific and logical perspective. Information allows the mind to go loose, releasing the need to figure something out or protect. This provides greater access to the thoughts and behaviours you are transforming. Emotional Release suggests the why and how of dissolving the glue, the emotional piece of stuck places.

It is important to understand that transformation is not a linear process as suggested in the diagram above. The areas contributing to transformation are there, but your journey may bring them to you in a different order. The process is more of a spiral staircase as in the header image. Each step leads to a new awareness or a higher perspective or an emotional release which then integrates and continues into the next step and the next. You might revisit the same thought or behaviour often as you circle ever upward, opening the flow of joy in every moment.

Also, it is unlikely that any area of change will happen all at once. As much as you might like the idea of ‘RIGHT NOW’, change happens gradually. Most of our old thoughts, beliefs and behaviours have been in place for years. Anticipate and celebrate gradual changes in yourself. The good news is that as you focus on one area of change, you are creating a strong new neural pathway of change that will be in place as you begin to focus on shifting other old thoughts, attitudes and behaviours.

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