Next Steps in my Journey into Joy

Some of you may already be aware of the changes the last few months have brought to my journey. For those who are not, here is a brief look at the past and a teaser for what is coming.

2020 has indeed been a year of being shaken to our core. From my perspective, we are being invited to reevaluate who we are and what we are about, to feel into what makes our heart sing. Few have escaped this challenge. Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to let go of old stuck places, releasing old emotional entanglements while keeping our hearts focused on the highest possible outcome.

I want to express my gratitude to and appreciation to Cathy Merchant, Interfaith Leader at Living Interfaith Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary Council. The opportunity to serve as Interfaith Consultant with you was the perfect next step after graduating from the Indigenous and InterReligious Studies Program at VST. Thank you, too, Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan and those of you from VST. You have all helped me prepare for what comes next.

During these past months, I came to realize my heart was asking for more…again. I wanted to experience and share more of the bigger picture.  As of October 31 I left Living Interfaith Sanctuary to focus on what I know now to be Intergalactic Connections Society.

I have been surprised by new awarenesses and possibilities that have jarred my mind and triggered old emotional entanglements to be released. Unity or Christ Consciousness has been my heart’s desire for myself and for all of humanity these past few years. However, things like UFO’s, extraterrestrials, ‘conspiracy theories’, and the Galactic Federation of Light have not been part of my daily life until now.

A new path is emerging for me through this process. I have created Intergalactic Connections, a member-funded, non-profit BC Society whose purpose is to prepare humanity to become intergalactic citizens, grounded in Unity Consciousness. My vision is to eventually create an Intergalactic Space Port in the Vancouver area as a place of diplomacy and collaboration with other intelligent civilizations. This is a source of joy and satisfaction for me and offers new possibilities for all of creation. More on that in the next post.

I hope our ‘inter’ paths will intersect often in the coming months and years. I look forward to continuing to share my journey into joy with you, engaging in conversation together as we explore more of our relationship with all of creation.

It’s here…another moment to reevaluate who we are and what we are about – choosing, I hope, what makes our hearts sing!

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion[/avatar]


by Eloecea


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Header image courtesy of NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope


8 thoughts on “Next Steps in my Journey into Joy

    • Yes, Jennifer, exciting and fascinating and daunting at times. And yet the possibility of Unity Consciousness here and throughout the universe holds such promise, from my perspective it can only ground and expand the peace and harmony we all seek. I’m looking forward to sharing more as I continue to explore!

    • Hi, Colby! Who would have thought, sitting together through all those classes about Encountering the Other that this would be part of my journey. Happy to have shared that VST experience with you and look forward to more…

  1. Wow! Thank you for sharing this new ‘inter’ path with us Eloecea. I admit that this is an area I know very little about, but I/we hope to remain joyfully open and curious towards this new vision you will undoubtably teach us about 🙂

    Warmly, Carolyn & Greg

    • So pleased you’re curious about all this…you’re not the only ones who know little, but I’m learning quickly! And, with the bigger picture, there’s a great deal to take in and feel my way through. Thank you for being with me on this journey.

    • Wow, Laura, what a memory! I do vaguely remember mentioning this to you when I first arrived at VST…and it was quickly overtaken by all things InterReligious. Thank you for your contributions to my journey and your continued interest.

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