Consider being a blob for a bit…

It’s that day…winter solstice…when the dark begins to leave and there’s more light in our days. If there has ever been a time when our planet needed more light, it is now. Would you consider being a blob for a bit if it brings more light for you and the planet?

I was wondering this morning what would happen if we all choose to shine light on our old ‘darkness’, fear-based thoughts, and allowed the divine to flow into that empty space. What would happen if we choose to become aware of those thoughts that keep us separate from our divine self and others? Old judgments like good/bad; right/wrong; us/them; stupid/smart; fat/skinny; rich/poor…and the list goes on.

In my experience, the mind goes into overdrive trying to explain why that’s a bad idea. How do I make decisions? How do I know if I’m good enough? How do I know who I am if I’m not all those things? How do I choose my friends?

Years ago, the Divine Mother  invited me to ‘let go of my sharp corners and hard edges’ and I began entertaining the possibility of letting go of whatever she was talking about.  I remember lying on my bed in LA after a particularly strong session of release when I was surprised by the thought “But, but, but…I’ll be a blob”. If I don’t have those identifiers or labels for myself and others, how do I think of myself? How do I be with others without ‘sizing them up’, without attaching labels? How do I know what’s good if there’s no label?

I must admit that this thought, this fear of being a blob lingered for a long time…years. My mind was so programmed to notice separation that it had great difficulty accepting this shift. It actually fought my desire to let go of the old way of thinking. My mind likes compartments. It prefers to know what’s what, where to put things, how to view people.

My mind does NOT like the unknown. I did not like thinking of myself as this unformed blob, let alone feeling the fears attached to that thought. I had to be someone, have an identity, some defining characteristics. I needed to be able to identify the situations and the people in my life, to give them labels, so I could be safe according to my mind’s perspective.

These labels are the essence of separation…they can lead to the Great Divide we are experiencing in our world today. Labels come in many shapes and sizes. Politics, religion, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, and the list goes on. It doesn’t have to be major things. Nice smile, weird clothes, neighbour, homeless are also labels that can separate us.

The defining factor in all of this is the fear or other emotional response that underlies our mind’s need to create labels. Labels are part of human nature and can be helpful. Discernment is an important tool. However, when fear attaches to our thought and sets up a judgment like good/bad, the Divide is established. Our minds love to find boxes with labels so it can feel safe. And then our minds love to collect evidence that we are right, strengthening the emotional entanglement and widening the Divide. We point fingers when the difference becomes so great that it triggers a fear reaction. ‘They’ do/think this and it scares me. Or, if I do/think this no one will like me.

What if we choose to become aware of these dark places, these thoughts that create separation and release the fear that holds them in place? We could ask the divine within each of us to shine light on the thoughts and actions that keep us separated from our divine self, from others.

What if we actually choose to pay attention to what is brought to our awareness? The mind is quite determined to keep everything status quo, to not rock the boat. That triggers fear. What if we choose to accept what the divine shows us, release any old emotional attachments, and become a ‘blob’. And then what???

And then we focus on the divine. We choose to bring in the light for our self and others. There is no separation here…there is only insight, higher perspectives from love, compassion and freedom. We allow the divine to shine light on our darkness so that we can embody the light. We focus on how we would like to be, how we would like to experience our moments, how we would like our world to be.

Awareness <–> Emotional Release <–> Insight/Wisdom <–> Integration

As I let go of those old fear-based attachments, as I allow a period of ‘blobness’, I  slowly come into more of my divine Self. I realize that there is no need to cling tightly to a label or point fingers. I am creator of my moments. I can envision from higher perspectives and fill my life with magic and miracles. As I do this, I begin to experience the world around me as my creation, a safe place to live and love because I am becoming love.

I smiled a few days ago as I remembered that period of my life. Thankfully, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like a blob. I’m reminded again of a lump of clay waiting to be formed into something new. It’s a gradual process…releasing the emotional attachments that hold the darkness and letting the light shine in and through us in new ways. I am forever grateful that I continue to choose to let go of my mind being in control and allow the divine to source my journey into joy.

Are you willing to be a blob for a bit…to become more love within and shine in your world?

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Is It True?

Last week, there was a bit of a shake up regarding UFO’s and the presence of extraterrestrial life here on Earth. Perhaps some of you saw the following newscast from the US (video editing is not yet in my toolbox, so just watch the first 2:11):

What do you think about this? How does it feel? What emotions come up? Is it true?

From my perspective, it’s part of a very slow rolling out of a truth that has long been hidden from the public, for the very reason stated in this news clip. The U.S. government (most governments) decided to protect its citizens from mass hysteria. That was the reason given back in the 1950’s and it continues to be the reason for keeping the secret. Yes, our leaders have known about this for over 70 years.

As the latest documentary, The Phenomenon (2020), notes, it may be time to trust humanity to make their own choices. More frequent sightings have been reported. Witness testimony from highly-placed government officials (including former Senator Harry Reid of NV) have increased. And heightened public curiosity and awareness suggest this pot is about to boil over.

So, what do you think? How do you decide what is real and what is not? What is true for you and what is ‘fake news’ or ‘false information’ or just plain B*S*? Could it be part of a reality that you have not explored or even considered? Are you willing to shake up any sense of equilibrium you’ve managed to establish in your life during the almost constant chaos of 2020?

You might remember that I come from a very black and white, right and wrong sense of truth. There is safety there…living by a set of rules given by family, religion, education, government, and culture. A sense of belonging, of not being alone. What does it take for us to leave the old “I’m living this way because XXX told me to” and step into “I am choosing to live this way?” Why do we continue to believe our happiness comes from following rules of thought and behaviour that limit us when there is so much more available as we colour outside the lines and think outside the box?

This is all about encountering the Other…the Other person, the Other faith, the Other culture, the Other truth, the Other nation, the Other intelligent civilization.  What will open us to choose to live and love fearlessly from the divine within rather than follow old beliefs and patterns we were taught from someone else? We can choose to let go of the old that limits us and no longer serves us. Why not allow new to expand our awareness, our opportunities to experience more freedom, more joy, more everything? Are you ready for more? Are you ready to choose your truth?

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar]  by Eloecea



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Allowing Unity Consciousness

As the Intergalactic projects begin to take form, I want to talk about the foundation of who we are in relationship to ourselves and others, the possibility of Unity Consciousness. It is imperative that each of us are open to new ways of being. Our world is changing in the midst of chaos and confusion. Are we going to choose new and different possibilities or are we going to hold on to what was? Will we be part of healing the Great Divide or will we continue to perpetuate it?

When our thoughts, beliefs, and actions are based in fear, separation is present from the first thought. It is subtle and it usually begins with thinking something or someone is wrong, ‘We’ are going to heal, support, shut down, explain to or otherwise affect change for ‘them’. It may feel compassionate, be intended as loving, but know that it creates a division.  This is true whether you are being with yourself or others. Judgment, blame, frustration, pushing against, etc. have no place in relationships based in Unity Consciousness. And, it doesn’t have to be this hard!

From a 3D or mass consciousness perspective, our planet looks like a mess. Confusion reigns as our ego minds try to figure out how to fix anything and everything with little apparent change. This is not new, it has been our way of being as humans for a very long time.  We have been trying diligently to create change within the familiar 3D paradigm for all the ‘right’ reasons, Einstein knew this doesn’t work: We can’t solve problems if we use the same kind of thinking that created them.”

We are divine beings, souls, a fragment of divine consciousness in bodies that are part of physical creation. Most of humanity, myself included for the majority of this life, believe that we are our bodies. We focus on the 3D thinking that what is external, what we can see, hear and touch, is real. The rest, sometimes even our connection with the divine, is outside our inner reality. God, Source, Allah is out there, separate from our soul self. We may hold the divine as greater than this 3D reality, but we still are caught in thinking and focusing on the external in general.

This paradigm keeps us trapped in limitation. The divine ‘out there’ is all the omni’s…omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, but we, as humans, are not. Can you feel that separation, that divide? What if we choose to know, to remember, that we are souls first, divine consciousness inhabiting a body that is part of the physical world. Can you feel the shift into a closer connection with the divine?

This is the experience of Unity Consciousness, the Christ/Buddha Consciousness, the Fifth Dimension. Remembering that we are divine beings allows us to receive more of the divine in our physical vessel. We have greater awareness, more potency and more connection with others and all of creation. Love, peace, joy, abundance, compassion, safety, gratitude, health, freedom, empathy, and respect for others naturally flow in and through us as we shift our awareness. We become these attributes as we focus on our soul self as our primary identity.

Until and unless we acknowledge that we are souls first, we are trapped in the limitations and futility of humans in 3D reality, a Sisyphean task* in my experience. Hopelessness, helplessness, exhaustion, and failure are common human experiences…sound and feel familiar? It’s all coming up now that our world is on Pause, as our usual distractions are not available. We are finally feeling and experiencing what’s been hidden or stuffed down: anger, fatigue, anxiety and panic, depression. The information we receive is conflicting, adding to the cognitive dissonance in our minds. We react from fear even as we strive to create something better and it doesn’t work. The Great Divide plays out in our minds, in our homes and in our world. Now what?

Now we let go of the human ego mind thinking it’s in control, that it has to have all the answers. We choose to spend time in the quiet, connecting with our soul self, beginning to

recognize that voice, that knowing that has been there in the background all these years. We begin to pay attention to all the other voices in our head that distract, the emotional entanglements that keep us stuck and we find tools that work for us as we choose to let go.

There is no place here for self-judgment or blame, simply awareness. We choose to allow our soul to enlighten us, to show us what is ready to be released so there is more space for new possibilities, new ways of being. There is space for divine wisdom to show us the next step to unity…a step that might surprise or frighten us because it’s different. Different is what will break us free of the old. Different allows us to remember we are the divine in human form, to see the divine in others and all of creation, no matter what it looks like out there.

I have used ‘we’ throughout this writing because I’m writing for me as much as for you. When I try to write for you, to teach you or help you, I get bogged down in my mind and its emotional reactions. ‘What will they think? Will they really get it?’ ad nauseum. As I write from my own knowing, my desire to share my story just because it’s fun, the words flow and a sense of fulfillment comes even before I send it out.  This kind of awareness is becoming part of who I am, my way of being, more and more. My life continues to expand into a peaceful place filled with magical moments that are fun and satisfying and exciting.

This is why Unity Consciousness is the foundation of Intergalactic Connections. I’m tired of pushing boulders up a hill only to watch them roll back again. I enjoy experiencing serendipity and synchronicity and, yes, miracles, as they show up more and more. I love being in the divine flow of the universe and look forward to the coming years knowing all is well. It is no longer my responsibility to figure it out, just let go and allow my soul self to inspire and guide my choices. This is the foundation of Unity Consciousness, of healing the Great Divide.

Then, too, our Intergalactic visitors will not show up until we are able to receive them from a place of unity, a place of safety for all. They also know the futility of trying hard in 3D. Many off-world beings are supporting our shift even now. With us, their desire is for humanity to embody Unity Consciousness, a place where we can encounter each other in joy and celebration without fear.

Most of us have experienced Unity Consciousness from time to time…are you ready for more? What are your next steps? You already have tools…what are they? Are they working for you? What thoughts or fears get in your way? Is there something more you need?

Humans are designed for community…coming together in common-unity in our physical world. Sharing more of my own journey, releasing the emotional entanglements that kept me in limitation, brings me joy. I invite you to join me with your questions and concerns, your awarenesses and transformation…we are indeed all in this together. Each of us has the opportunity, perhaps even a divine directive from our soul, to become that which we desire for all of humanity – a divine being walking here in human form. From that place, peace and harmony flow within you, throughout our world and beyond. Thank you for being with me on this journey, however you choose to Heal the Great Divide.

* Sisyphean describes a task as seemingly endless and futile—you keep doing it but it never gets done. The word comes from the name of Sisyphus, a character in Greek mythology who was punished by being forced to continuously roll a boulder up a steep hill.

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion and mercy[/avatar]   by Eloecea



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Next Steps in my Journey into Joy

Some of you may already be aware of the changes the last few months have brought to my journey. For those who are not, here is a brief look at the past and a teaser for what is coming.

2020 has indeed been a year of being shaken to our core. From my perspective, we are being invited to reevaluate who we are and what we are about, to feel into what makes our heart sing. Few have escaped this challenge. Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to let go of old stuck places, releasing old emotional entanglements while keeping our hearts focused on the highest possible outcome.

I want to express my gratitude to and appreciation to Cathy Merchant, Interfaith Leader at Living Interfaith Sanctuary, and the Sanctuary Council. The opportunity to serve as Interfaith Consultant with you was the perfect next step after graduating from the Indigenous and InterReligious Studies Program at VST. Thank you, too, Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan and those of you from VST. You have all helped me prepare for what comes next.

During these past months, I came to realize my heart was asking for more…again. I wanted to experience and share more of the bigger picture.  As of October 31 I left Living Interfaith Sanctuary to focus on what I know now to be Intergalactic Connections Society.

I have been surprised by new awarenesses and possibilities that have jarred my mind and triggered old emotional entanglements to be released. Unity or Christ Consciousness has been my heart’s desire for myself and for all of humanity these past few years. However, things like UFO’s, extraterrestrials, ‘conspiracy theories’, and the Galactic Federation of Light have not been part of my daily life until now.

A new path is emerging for me through this process. I have created Intergalactic Connections, a member-funded, non-profit BC Society whose purpose is to prepare humanity to become intergalactic citizens, grounded in Unity Consciousness. My vision is to eventually create an Intergalactic Space Port in the Vancouver area as a place of diplomacy and collaboration with other intelligent civilizations. This is a source of joy and satisfaction for me and offers new possibilities for all of creation. More on that in the next post.

I hope our ‘inter’ paths will intersect often in the coming months and years. I look forward to continuing to share my journey into joy with you, engaging in conversation together as we explore more of our relationship with all of creation.

It’s here…another moment to reevaluate who we are and what we are about – choosing, I hope, what makes our hearts sing!

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion[/avatar]


by Eloecea


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Worry as Prayer???

The other day I heard someone say, “Worry is a form of prayer”. That got my attention. I hadn’t thought of it in that way, but it is quite true when seen from a scientific or energetic perspective. “Pray without ceasing”, we are told, but how exactly are we praying?

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If prayer, in its simplest form, is a conversation with the divine, and we know the divine is omnipresent, then wouldn’t the divine be aware of the content of all our thoughts? Unless, of course, you really believe the divine only listens when we are intentionally praying.

So, if any part of our thinking or speaking comes from a place of worry, anxiety or fear, that is also heard by the divine. From a more ingenuous perspective, we might hope the divine sorts through our thoughts and only pays attention to our specific prayers, i.e.‘the good stuff’. We might think our worry is automatically translated to a request from a place of compassion or love.

Prayer is a beautiful contemplative practice, providing a space of quiet being with the divine in its most essential form, available in every moment. We are encouraged to bring our worries and hurts to the divine in this space…but what we too often forget is to let them go and open to the presence of the divine. Too often we continue to chew on our worries.

From a scientific or energetic point of view, what you think and feel is what you get. When you’re worried, it’s easy to find many other things to worry about. Thoughts combine with emotions that then become patterns or states of being. Emotional states attract similar emotional states.

Emotions are the glue that holds our thoughts in place. Grace from the divine is the grease that softens the entanglements and emotional release can bring us out of that confusion into wisdom. Our human ego mind doesn’t have to figure it out. Divine insight comes as we let go of the old worries and provide more space for new thoughts of gratitude, joy, love, compassion, and well-being.

Gratitude and joy lift you and those around you higher. Worry triggers memories of other worries in yourself and those around you. This can lead to a ‘pity party’ or ‘worry fest’ (not to mention panic attack these days) until you become aware of what’s happening and choose something different. By all means, cry the tears, shake with terror, scream in rage in safe places. And then know you can CHOOSE what you think more and more. You can choose to dwell on the ‘good stuff’.

I wrote about this in a previous post, From Worry to Wonder. When I find myself caught in a loop of worry or stuck in imagining the worst, I choose to open to wondering how the divine is going to handle this. I shift into a lighter place of curiosity, of wonderment. I remember other times I was in this loop and how magically the situation was transformed. I wonder what gift I am to receive this time even as I remember to welcome the awareness of choice, release the emotions around the old pattern and allow divine insights to open me to my new way of being.

Change is seldom easy, but oh, so worth it when we see the shift from the old to the new! Have you experienced this? What works for you? Does this change your understanding of prayer?

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion[/avatar]   by Eloecea



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Our Stories and Truths

We all have our stories and our truths. We’ve gathered them from our life experiences – what we were taught in our early years and what we have learned during this lifetime. We hold onto these experiences and learning as our truths. But what exactly is truth?

I remember my first foray into personal psychotherapy decades ago. Early on, I told Carol, a Christian psychologist, that I just wanted to know what was true. Then I could act on that, follow the rules associated with that truth, and be happy. I’d been depressed most of my life for a myriad of reasons. Nothing I’d tried, nothing I’d learned, nothing I’d done had lifted me out of the despair. Yes, there were moments of happiness, of feeling good, but underneath it all was this hopelessness and fear. So, maybe there was a truth out there that I didn’t know about, a path to happiness, that would change all that. Didn’t Jesus say “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (Jn8:32)?

I really don’t remember her answer, which is strange because this was my QUESTION! This would CHANGE MY LIFE. What I do remember is a gradual shift from thinking the answer was out there somewhere to finding my truth within me. I began to let go of the layers of emotional entanglements I had formed in my life, the stuck places that kept me mired in fear. I began to trust my inner knowing, my own truth, my own divinity.

My stories are a combination of what I have experienced (situations) and the emotions I felt at the time (reactions). Until I recognized this, I continued to be stuck in emotional reactions from the past that then began to affect all of my present and future experiences.

I’ve let go of trying to find a truth out there that will bring me happiness, that will bring peace and joy to everyone. One size does not fit all…that is spurious thinking. Anyone or any belief system that suggests otherwise is false. I say this because it keeps us stuck in trying to make a limited understanding of our world the truth for everyone. What is true for me does not necessarily resonate as true for another.

Are there universal truths? Yes. I’ve written about Christ Consciousness or Unity Consciousness before…that place of wisdom that comes from letting go of what we think we know. This wisdom encompasses a higher, divine perspective of compassion, harmony, love, respect for self and others, service to others, peace and joy. Wisdom comes from clearing old emotional baggage from our thoughts and beliefs. This is a path to remembering who we are as divine beings, here in this body, having human experiences.

 Awareness –> Emotional Release –> Insight –> Integration

We become aware of some thought or behaviour that doesn’t fit with our divine Self. When asked, the divinity we know is ready to assist in making us aware of these. There is usually an emotional reaction attached. We don’t have to dig for anything…that emotion is right there waiting to be released. Just allow it to come up – often other situations with similar reactions will come up as well. Once released, we are open to new insights from a higher, divine perspective. Integration happens naturally as we allow this wisdom to permeate our new way of being.

I learned the simplicity and efficacy of sharing wisdom through stories from the Indigenous tradition of teaching. Most of us have been taught facts, theories and rules. Trying to change the thoughts and beliefs of others by challenging them in the old ways or spoon feeding them information just gives them more facts from their external world which may or may not be true for them.

Stories, once cleared of old emotional attachments, provide guidance with room for exploration of how the lesson might fit for the listener. I encourage you to give attention to your own stories, clearing them and sharing them when asked.  The possibilities of all being lifted up into Unity or Christ Consciousness increase exponentially. Generalizability is real, and it can begin within you.

[avatar size=”thumbnail” align=”left”]Quan Yin – goddess of compassion [/avatar]


by Eloecea



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Sticks and Stones…

I suspect we all know the old adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me” or “names will never harm me”. Wikipedia notes that it appeared in The Christian Recorder of March 1862, a publication of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and has since been used as a response to verbal bullying or abuse. It has also been widely debunked! A Psychology Today article from 2011 suggests another ending:

Lynn Greyling,

“but words will cut me deeply”. I know we’ve all experienced this in some form. I wonder if you’re consciously aware of remnants of this pain that linger in your own conversations with yourself and others.

The words we use can be a powerful creative or destructive force. Awareness is always the first step in change…we learn how to speak and communicate with others at an early age. Our words reflect our environment during those years and are often buried deep in our subconscious. In Stuck Places, I begin a discussion of waking up to our language patterns and the possibilities of change in how we talk to ourselves and others. Here are some additional suggestions to assist you in shifting from old negative, destructive patterns into those that reflect who you consciously choose to be today:

Language Detox

Speak your Highest Truth. Our communications (spoken, written, thoughts) reflect what is within us. Is it Compassion, Love, authenticity, unique solutions? Or are we communicating anger, fear, doubt, shame, blame?

Your words are powerful reflections of your choice of reality. If your conscious choice is to become the experience of Unity and Harmony within and without:

Become aware of distortion, duality, separation or judgment in your words

Avoid self-deprecating language; honour yourself and others with supportive words

Notice negative language habits, and shift/flip the language in the moment (this is awful, I am stupid, women are, politics is, etc.)

Gently stop the conversation when it goes negative. Don’t speak ill of others, especially if they are not present.

Practice heart-based tools: Shift the topic, pay a compliment, offer supportive solutions rather than negative complaints.

Use the SO IT IS or AMEN. Say this after everything you speak, think, feel or do to become aware of what you are creating – or supporting.

Stop throwing blame around. Take responsibility for your world, it is a co-creation with the divine. Move out of blame and into positive thoughts and creative solutions.

Make the shift – override the old fear – focus on the truth of love, peace, harmony and open-hearted observation rather than judgment. Choose to become aware – wake up…make different choices as you co-create your reality from within. Write just one of these suggestions on a piece of paper and place it where you will see it frequently, and then begin the next step of change, feeling the emotional attachments around those words without self-judgment. Once released, the old patterns lose their hold and new insights are available with possibilities of creating your reality from a place of love, peace, joy, compassion and harmony…a place of Unity Consciousness.


Quan Yin – goddess of compassion



by Eloecea



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Ascension: Then and Now (Part Two)

That was then, and this is now…

For me, today, ascension is all about home. Some call it waking up or becoming conscious. Some refer to Unity or Christ Consciousness as a higher perspective, a way of bringing heaven to or being heaven here on earth. This is my path, my passion; it is simple and it’s an inside job…it begins with who I am:

     1. Waking Up

Most of my beliefs, thoughts, behaviours are unconscious until I become aware of what my ego mind is saying, or my body is doing. We all know about self-talk, that murmuring (or sometimes shouting) inside our heads that never seems to stop. These words and the accompanying emotion is the underlying truth of who I am. When I am quiet, I might hear critical, judgmental, or harsh words…or I might hear gentle, loving and supportive words. We learned this, of course, which means we can unlearn in and shift into another way of being. But it starts with a choice…a choice to become aware and a desire to change. It starts with waking up.

     2. Letting Go

Once I am aware of a thought, belief or behaviour that doesn’t reflect who I want to be, there are many tools available to begin to shift from the old and open to the new. You can find some of these here. We all know that change is hard – dislodging old patterns brings up old emotions associated with what was. Emotions become entangled energetically with our thoughts and act like glue which hardens over time. Letting go refers to releasing the old emotions to create room for new experiences, new thoughts and behaviours. Much of this part of ascension consists of grieving what is lost even as we shift to what we desire. So we can expect cycles of shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing and acceptance or letting go.

     3. Refocusing and Allowing the Divine

The ego mind doesn’t want to let go because it loses the control it had. It has no idea what comes next because it only knows the past. The unknown can be frightening. This is where our faith comes in again. In Part One, we’ve noted that most faith traditions tell of a higher way of being, offer guidance on thoughts and behaviours that are based in love rather than fear.

This is where we place our focus – on the most loving, compassionate and peaceful thoughts and behaviours we desire to have. In the Christian tradition this might be called becoming more Christ-like. We imagine what it will look like, how it will feel. We bring the full experience of what we desire into our conscious awareness, into our reality. And then we let go, knowing the Divine, the Universe will assist us in this transformation, in this ascension step, as we continue to consciously create a new way of being.

Ascension is possible today

You can see and feel the possibilities…You can begin to speak encouragement and love to yourself, to choose behaviours that are in harmony with who you choose to be. You can also hear and feel the push back from the old patterns. ‘This will never work’, etc. Just let that be and continue to let go, refocus and allow the Divine to do its work.

Who you are within is reflected in your external world. It’s not somebody or some situation out there that’s making you do or think or say anything, it’s within you – it’s your choice. The more we accept this and choose to shift our perspectives, the more miracles we begin to see around us until miracles become common place. This is living from a higher perspective. This is living in Unity or the Christ Consciousness.

What Might Ascension Look Like Today?

For me, I see change happening in me and my life that I never thought possible. Not in the areas my mind thinks it should change (which are many), but in who I am within as it’s reflected back to me in my external reality. This is the evidence, the proof for my ego mind that this works. I am happier, more fulfilled, more at peace with myself and the world than ever before. I feel as though my life is just beginning…a new life grounded in knowing all is well because nothing is as it seems while everything is as it should be. My ego mind doesn’t have to figure anything out because the Divine within me knows and I am choosing to allow the Divine, my SoulSelf, to be my new primary operating system.

It’s an exciting adventure, this path of ascension…one that my ego mind could not have predicted because it only knows the past and that is rooted in survival. But the Divine, Pure Consciousness holds new possibilities and potentials that come to each of us on our own path in perfect timing.

There’s a wealth of information available to assist us on our ascension journey – from our own faith tradition as well as that of others, from psychology and more and more from science as it explores the realm of consciousness. My search for ‘more’ spiritually has shifted from intellectual understanding in my earlier years to life experiences of the divine, moments of feeling that love and compassion and hope. There’s a balance, I know. I invite you to allow this balance to come to you today.

Your Reflection on Ascension Today

So far, this was a lot of words, a lot of thinking. Please take a few moments to feel into all that’s been written and all that’s come up for you. Relax into your body wherever you are. Breathe deeply a few times, letting your mind, your heart and your body open and expand. Then allow yourself to reflect for a few moments on what ascension means to you today. Let your mind go loose and allow the Divine to show you new possibilities…

I would love to hear from you – what came up for you? Let’s have a discussion in the comment section below.

Quan Yin, goddess of compassion


by Eloecea





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A Path of Transformation

As a guide to this website, a rather simple path of change may help bring the means of transformation into focus:

Awareness —> Emotional Release —> Insight —> Integration

Contemplative Practices provide a container for the process of transformation. They invite you into the quiet and offer ways to calm the ego mind. Practices present the opportunity to experience awareness and insight, to release old emotions and allow for integration of the new you.

Stuck Places invites you into self-awareness. When you find yourself in a situation you don’t like, tempted to blame someone or something else, choose to look within. When thoughts come up or you do something that brings shame, look within. Awareness is a necessary first step that means letting go of old patterns of looking outside for either blame or rescue.

Emotional Entanglements speaks to your ego mind from a scientific and logical perspective. Information allows the mind to go loose, releasing the need to figure something out or protect. This provides greater access to the thoughts and behaviours you are transforming. Emotional Release suggests the why and how of dissolving the glue, the emotional piece of stuck places.

It is important to understand that transformation is not a linear process as suggested in the diagram above. The areas contributing to transformation are there, but your journey may bring them to you in a different order. The process is more of a spiral staircase as in the header image. Each step leads to a new awareness or a higher perspective or an emotional release which then integrates and continues into the next step and the next. You might revisit the same thought or behaviour often as you circle ever upward, opening the flow of joy in every moment.

Also, it is unlikely that any area of change will happen all at once. As much as you might like the idea of ‘RIGHT NOW’, change happens gradually. Most of our old thoughts, beliefs and behaviours have been in place for years. Anticipate and celebrate gradual changes in yourself. The good news is that as you focus on one area of change, you are creating a strong new neural pathway of change that will be in place as you begin to focus on shifting other old thoughts, attitudes and behaviours.

Header Image courtesy of pixabay/spiral-jplenio